Priority Area Polyversity International defined some priority areas for developing home study courses, which not inclusive and will continue to expand

Priority Areas (for Home Study Courses)

The scholars and intellectuals who wish to join the group of Global Teachers, should meet the following basic criteria:

  • Qualified and/or specialized in certain subject area (at least college or university degree or institution diploma)
  • Knowledgeable on a topic, well conversant with the related modern approaches and developments.
  • Skillful and competent in an area of work that is useful for the learners
  • Well experienced in certain task or have successfully practiced some model that is worthwhile for replication by others Possess certain level of teaching capacities.
  • Have access to computer and IT tools along with related skills to develop teach the home study courses
  • Agree on the terms and conditions set by Polyversity International.
Note: This list is not limited and new subject areas can be included

Human Capital Development

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